Description: Shaman girls are part of a shaman tribe yeah no shit sherlock that uses spirit power to gain animalistic features, that aside, they act like normal tribes woman.
Shamanic infusion (Passive):
The shamans have animal totems infused with spirit magic, which allow them to take on animalistic forms, but the scale of said spirit magic varies from shaman to shaman, that allows them to proc someone's fetish or even buff their own skills with spirit magic.
Shamanic kiss: A shaman kisses their oponent, swaping their aphrodisiac saliva. Deals 2 wp damage and charms.
Shamanic rub: A shaman rubs a specific body part (up to GM) against their oponent while using raw spirit power to pin them somewhere. Inflicts a 2wp damage bind
Shamanic mating (Male only): A shaman goes for the raw pleasure of sex, mating not only with a male's body, but also with their spirit. Deals an initial 3wp, then binds for 2wp damage.
Shamanic fingering (Female only): the shaman begins to finger away at the enemy, sending ripples of pleasure throwght their very being. Deals an initial 3wp, then binds for 2wp damage.
Shamanic conjuring: The shaman uses spirit power to carve a totem of their chosen victim, allowing for the usage of Voodo. This skill CAN ONLY BE USED OUTSIDE OF COMBAT. This skill cannot "fail" but: Odd rolls will make the totem normaly, however, even rolls will make an upgraded version of the same totem, granting the Shaman woman a GREAT ammount of insight on to their target (Fetishes, current location, and all those stalker-like things).
On DM's choice, the Totem can even grant some really freaking big things on even rolls, for example: Choosing the opponents next action, making the opponent fall in love, etc. I would not suggest using this too much though, but the option is here.
Voodo: A shaman uses the totem with a drawining of their opponent and starts doing lewd things with it (sucking, kissing, inserting inside themselves), everything done with the totem is felt by their opponent, so good luck resisting this. Deals 4wp of damage. Requires a totem specific for the targetted person (See the skill above).
Aditional Animal spirit skills:
The shaman may have additional animalistic skills, like aphrodisiac poison (Snake), Tail caressing (Fox and cats) and you get the memo, feel free to be creative with this, i won't bother.
Loss aftermath: The shamans enjoy taking people to their tribes where they serve as sex-slaves, mates, husbands, guards or whatever they see fit. It's also really easy to leave these tribes, the shamans give a few days and then they keep chasing you in order to take you back to their tribe, they find the chase to be quite thrilling.