A wandering spirit that travels through the forest. She can possess an entire force and put it under her control, growing giant flowers and feeding on humans. A traveler will have to avoid an entire area because of it. Her main core is usually at the center of an area, enrooted to the strongest tree."
Level: Boss
Area size: 10 square miles
1st mile
Huge, red giant flowers will block the way, enough to fit one person.
Flower Kiss: A huge flower swallows and folds the petal over the human, sucking all over the victim. Target may get charmed. Deal light damage and charm.
2nd mile
Tree wrap: Wrap around target. Causes bind, while the huge flower wraps around the target and suck their head, as though kissing them. Deal moderate damage and charm.
3rd mile
Snake Squeeze: An anaconda (with a humanoid female form) will wrap around the target before kissing the target and swallowing the target for 30 minutes before repeatedly spat out 3 more times. Inflict moderate damage and heavy charm damage. Drain HP from target and give a percentage to all enemies. Partial vore.
4th mile
(under construction)