Upon her lips
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A humble listing of female characters from a variety of media, whose kiss produces adverse effects on their victims.
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 Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa

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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 2:52 pm

Still stuck in the hypnotic rut of the sultry snake's teasings, Dustin's breathing grows ragged. No part of his body will listen to his brain, simply working off of base sexual instincts as he mercilessly plunges his penis over and over into the wrapped rolls of her long and thick body.

Will he ever escape her embrace? Will he ever want to? It seems unlikely. Even as his nagging brain tries desperately to cling to some semblance of sanity, no part of him wants to listen~

(Fascination Roll) (Struggle, Snuggable Disadvantage)
(should have an extra stack of Toxic love, too)
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 3:03 pm

Resist Fascination: 62 (Success)
Struggle: 19, 71 (Fail)
Cuddle Time: 58 (Success)

Suddenly, the warm, cozy coils started gripping the bunny boy tighter. They guide his hips, putting even more frantic pleasure into his thrusts until his all-out slamming into that wonderfully smooth and perfectly tight hole that was made just for him. That tension in his loins reaches a breaking point, and he starts to shudder in a way that only a person seconds from cumming does...

...But at the same time, his head starts clearing up. He starts to wonder where he is, and why he's humping some random crevice...but his mounting orgasm might put a stop to those disgusting, rational thoughts.

"Go on, bunny boy," Encre's tongue drags along the side of his ear, tempting him even more, "do it...~ Cum for me~"

Encre: 18
Dustin: 12 (Charmed 2/2, Bound, Toxic Love 5/3, Sluggish 1)
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 3:14 pm

"Wh-what are yn--!! Hnmaaaahn..!~" Panic sets in as his faculties return to him, the muffled screaming in the back of his head now pounding at full force as Dustin's body begins to spasm and struggle, writhing against the immeasurable pleasure of Encre's squeezing coils!

"I.. I'll nh.. never...!" He fights and struggles in her tight embrace with newfound vigor and purpose, but every little move he makes only serves to rub himself deeper into her unyielding embrace! He has to fight his very will to try leaving with his dignity intact, to not cum betwixt her impossibly soft, pillowy coils~

(Will Check) (Struggle, Snuggable Disadvantage)
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 3:53 pm

Will Check: 81 (Fail)
Struggle: 5, 11 (DOUBLE CRIT FAIL?!)
A Snake's Smooch: 22 (Success)

It's simply no use...despite his realization, there's nothing Dustin can do but surrender to the ecstasy flooding him, and blow his load between the two loving coils milking him dry. His legs shake, his eyes roll to the back of his head, and his hips push as hard as they can, hammering into her as he cums, rope after rope, into the inky black scales that surrounded his cock.

He moans, loud and unrepentant, and his whole body freezes up as the bliss of climax fills him...

...And as it does, two plump, wet, and very familiar lips meet his own...


His mouth is overtaken by Encre's own as she plants a hot, sizzling smooch on his lips, entwining her long, narrow tongue around his own, coiling around it like her body around his, and bringing it into her mouth. Her eyes gaze into his, half-lidded and knowing, as she sucks him tenderly, bringing another fantastic peak of pleasure into this already mind-blowing orgasm...

Encre: 16
Dustin: 8 (Fascinated, Bound, Toxic Love 6/3, Sluggish 1)
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 4:38 pm

Nothing could be done for the poor bunny, his eyes glazing over as a mind-numbing orgasm takes him. His eyes widen as her heavy lips seal over his mouth and muzzle, but they sloooowly flutter to that dreamy half-lidded gaze more as another tingly lip mark finds its home on his face~

His tongue is swiftly wrapped up in her own, powerless to resist just like its owner. His mind is filled with her luscious lips, her plump coils, all writhing and lavishing him with their love, refusing to let his erection falter after a measly single ejaculation. He's utterly lost in her purple paradise, his mind starting to steadily give in with his body. When else will he feel this good again..? He can't let this end...~

(Fascination Roll) (Bunny Bite)
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 4:53 pm

Resist Fascination: 43 (Fail)
Bunny Bite: Auto-Fail
A Snake's Smooch: 64 (Success Auto-Success)

Encre deepens the already-steamy smooch she was giving the bunny boy, readjusting her lips so their mouths were perpendicular. His mouth was smeared with more of her glistening purple lipstick, its tingly goodness washing over him as he's steadily pushed back by the serpent leaning into him. However sensitive he may be after that outstanding orgasm, his subconscious lust for more overpowers him, and he begins to weakly teeter his hips once again. His brain is fighting an uphill battle--but after what just happened, it's more like it's climbing a cliff...and that tail beginning to snake up his shirt is clouding his judgement even more...

Encre: 15
Dustin: 6 (Fascinated, Bound, Toxic Love 7/3, Sluggish 1)
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 5:10 pm

Pressed back into the wall of her coils by her brainmelting kiss, the poor little bunny finds it nearly impossible to fight back in any meaningful way. That shouting, desperate voice in the back of his mind becomes almost completely silent, as if it was in the middle of its own smothering liplock. Every little move of her lips drives him crazy, leaves him BEGGING for more as his weak hips slowly griiiiiind on the length of tail slithering up his shirt.

His face is almost completely painted purple at this point, Dustin's little head tingling like it's been hooked up to electrical diodes. He's lost in her love, with only her lips to guide him.

(Fascination Roll) (Desperate Throw)
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 5:33 pm

Resist Fascination: 6 (Crit Success)
Desperate Throw: 37 (Used on Dustin), 2 (holy shit lmao)
A Snake's Smooch: 62 (Success)

Even through the electric pleasure of Encre's lipstick slathered against his face, even against the undulating coils expertly weaving his cock in and out of their smooth, warm, immaculate grip, even as the war in his mind is drawing to a close, a powerful, unshakeable urge rises through Dustin--one that tells him to fight back at any cost. With his brain still just about fried and head definitely not turning away from the lips smothering it, he aimlessly fumbles around in his messenger bag, reaching deep into it. When he thinks he's finally got the potion he needs, he brings it out and swings it straight into her scaly skin...

...and is shocked to see it waft all about him--a pink mist fumes and billows like before, enveloping both snake and bunny in a rich, heady, bubblegum odor that only excites them more...

He feels a deep, traitorous sense of sorrow when his lips break from the serpent's own. But it's short lived, thankfully enough. But with this thick, sickly fog surrounding the two of them, he can't tell what she has planned next.

Encre gasps, and inhales the aphrodisiac mist. Her ensuing sigh is almost sweet enough to make Dustin give in then and there.

"O-oh m-my...I'm feeling so, wonderful right now," she stutters, clearly aroused herself. Even in the cloaking field of potion gas, her lips are easily visible to the poor, horny bunny boy. With the effects already taking hold, he knows for a fact that escape is the faintest, most ridiculous hope he could ever have. And as she presses those lips into his neck, suckling on his fur and staining him once more, he feels that familiar pressure mounting in his loins again...

Encre: 12 ('Poisoned' 1/3)
Dustin: 1 ('Poisoned' 1/3, Bound, Toxic Love 8/3, Sluggish 1/4)
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 5:53 pm

What an awful time to snap back to his senses! Dustin's whole body twists and struggles against her obsessive coils. The deep pink cloud fogs up his vision, wrapping both himself and his amorous captor in its sweet embrace.

Forced to breathe in his own concoction, the little bunny realizes something. He realizes just how fruitless this has been. His body struggles now, but his mind has given up. Feeling his next orgasm mounting, Dustin simply.... stops. He stops struggling, he stops thrashing, he stops trying so desperately to escape. With hastened, exhausted breaths, the little bunny just looks up into Encre's eyes, the same hue that surrounds him, and lays his head against her snout. He gently rubs his kiss-stained cheek against her as she suckles on his neck, fully submitting to The Beguiling Boa.

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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyWed May 04, 2022 6:30 pm

A Snake's Smooch: Continued

A giggle passes through Encre's preoccupied lips as she feels her prey go limp. She had to admit, she was honestly impressed at how resilient he had been--especially with all the rotten luck he'd had. So, to reward him, she decided to put every last bit of effort she had into pleasing him...

Dustin had not a bit of shame clouding his mind as his scaly acquaintance sucked on the sensitive flesh on his collarbone, giving him a hickey for the ages. And even as she ended it with another lurid *pop*, she moved to paint more of his body in her passionate kisses. She lingered around his neck, making sure it got just as much attention as his head--as difficult as that would be, since he was already living in a world of bright, sticky purple. Then, that teasing tail massaging his belly shot up and forced his shirt off his torso. His fluffy chest was now bare and ripe for the smooching. The bunny boy's thrusts grow more forceful as he's allowed more space to let out his passion. The suckling pecks send ecstatic shocks through him, wracking his body with a euphoria he'd scarcely felt in his life.

Meanwhile, Encre's completely enraptured by her adorable little snuggle bunny. His complete surrender to her (in such an arousing way, too) gave her a rush of power and pleasure she'd been needing for a long time. She squeed with each smooch she pressed against his fur, her seductive manner broken by the heart-stoppingly sweet sight before her.

"You~" *mwah* "are~" *mwah* "so~" *mwah* "cuuuute~!" *smoooooch*

The bunny boy's ragged pants filled up the air as he was generously loved by a very affectionate snake. But little did he know, it was about to get a LOT more intense from here on out...

(Dustin has surrendered to Encre!)
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 8:36 am

No one could have predicted how Dustin's day was going to go today. It all started with a simple task: Just get some glowing mushrooms. Not once did it cross his mind that he would be pleasured beyond his imagination, doted on and smothered in lipstick by a massive amorous serpent.

But now that he's here? Now that he's wrapped snugly, bare chest painted purple as he thrusts his cock lustfully between pillowy coils? He realizes this was always going to happen. This was fate. Stuck in this glowing cave, his mind on cloud nine, Dustin is lavished with the greatest pleasures known to man. His breathing is unsteady and his face is hot, but he leans forward and does what he can to wrap his arms around Encre's huge head.

Hugging her head to his chest, he closes his eyes and lets his next orgasm take him, re-slicking her coils with ropes of white.
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 8:51 am

Right as his cock started twitching and pulsing like mad, right as it began to fire its first shots of his second load, her tail snuck down, aligning her already-dripping slit with his tip and providing a extra bit of wetness and suction to make his climax that much more overwhelming. He cried out, shivering, grasping onto Encre's head for dear life as she milked him.

Of course, she was getting no small amount of pleasure out of this too. As her folds squeezed around Dustin's shaft, coaxing even more semen out of him, the exciting feeling of being filled up washed over her. "H-hnng...! Wow, for such a cute little bunny boy, you sure have a lot left in you~"

The aspiring alchemist couldn't even respond; he was too busy riding out his high and all but collapsing on top of her to utter a word--or at least, an understandable one. Soon, he felt the peak of his orgasm leave, and be replaced by the blissful warmth of the afterglow. That pulsing, tightening feeling around his cock was waking him out of it, though...and somehow, he finds himself still hard...

...Encre's kisses being littered around his waist certainly helped, too...
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 9:03 am

Leaning heavily against her head, Dustin's breathing slows. Words try to form in his mouth but nothing makes sense, only babbling gibberish manages to pass his lips. He lets out a deep sigh, eyes closed as he rubs his cheek against Encre's scaly head... It's finally over... R-right..?

A look of worry crosses the bunny's little purple face as he feels her mind-numbing slit continue to work his shaft, and an even more worried squeak leaves his lips as he realizes his own dick is still standing proud and ready to face punishment.

After several moments of gasping moans, Dustin manages to regain the ability to speak: "We... We're nh-ghaaahn..~ not.. done...?"
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 9:21 am

So very gingerly, the pink bunny boy (though seemingly more purple now) is pushed back into a few ropes of plump coils, his head resting on the topmost one. His erection is finally let alone for a moment; the tight, wet slit that encompasses his shaft slides up and off it, the lingering suction making him cringe, still so sensitive after just ejaculating. But even then, his little soldier stood salute, pointing straight up at the serpent's chin.

Encre looks up at him with that same lurid grin--although it's looking more satisfied than before. She leans in silently, only stopping when her mouth was a mere iota away from her prey's. The way he looked down, scared, yet delighted, and yearning for more, gave her a rush of power and accomplishment. It was obvious how much he wanted to feel them again.

"That's up to you, darling~ or rather, your friend down there," she whispered. Her tail flicked gently against his member, making his whole body twitch. Her grin turned wide and toothy, showing off the barely-seen fangs that were normally only visible through the subtle indents they made on her bottom lip. "Though, I can't help but feel that there's one place I haven't painted purple yet...~"
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 9:54 am

Swallowing hard he hangs onto her every word. His heartbeat quickens, breath hitching as he can't keep his eyes off of those fat lips. Laying back against the pillowy wall of her body, all he can think about are those lips: so plump and soft, eager to suckle on him like a piece of hard candy to savor...

His mind begs for release, and his body agrees. He turns his head to the side, closes his eyes so hard his whole face scrunches up as he prepares for another mind-melting bout of pleasure. Dustin silently nods, his member twitching in anticipation~
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 10:11 am

"Heehee...I can almost see that blush through your fur--and my lipstick~"

Encre shifts downwards, levelling her lips with the bunny boy's cock. She blows on it softly. In an instant, a bead of precum swells up on his tip, wobbling slightly as his shaft quivers in anticipation. His legs shake.

But instead of going down on him then and there, she slithers her body along his own, looping around him from head to toe (and thankfully pointing her creampie'd slit away from his face). The only part of his body not entirely smothered in warm, smooth, firm, and yet paradoxically pillow-like coils is his crotch. She can feel his breath against her tail tip. It makes her chuckle softly.

"Are you ready~?"

What comes out of Dustin's mouth is more a muted squeal than an intelligible sentence, but the meaning is there: he's more ready now than he's ever been, or ever will be.

"Alright, bunny boy, you asked for it~! Bottom's up...~"

Within a second, the serpent swallows up her prey's member, and takes him straight to hilt...and the instant she does, he reaches for his mouth to muffle the embarrassingly ecstatic squeal that comes out of his mouth--or at least tries to; alas, his arms are currently trapped at his sides, being lovingly massaged like the rest of his body.

Okay, maybe he wasn't so ready for this...
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 10:21 am

Fireworks go off in his little head, the poor bunny is already two orgasms in and is only now experiencing the worst of it! Gasps and moans ring out from his throat, but his mouth is stuffed with pudgy ebony scales. He can barely be heard from within his squishy cocoon, wrapped and squeezed obsessively by endlessly writhing coils. How long has he been trapped in her smothering hold? How long could he possibly hold out against those plump, aphrodisiac-plastered lips? It seems like he won't last for long with the way he's desperately trying to squirm and struggle against her imprisoning loops of love~
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PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 10:43 am

The serpent presses her plush, moist, oh-so-soft lips hard against the bunny's cock as she sucks back, twisting her tongue along the shaft much like she did with his own, smaller, thicker tongue, its ministrations against his bare skin following along with each agonizingly pleasurable push and pull as she milks him for the third time today. Her lipstick drives him wild; with each extra layer slicked against his skin he feels the ecstatic shock grow twofold. His magic-oriented mind has to wonder how she can make him feel this unrivaled pleasure; how do her lips give him such a divine sensation merely from staining him? The other, much louder part, overwhelmed with electric bliss, barely able to think, is simply thanking the gods above for blessing him with this luck.

For a long, wonderful time, it just goes on like this...back and forth, back and forth Encre's head moves while she suckles loudly on his stick, slurping up every drop of precum--and boy, was there a lot of it. The muffled squeaks and cries coming from her prey is music to her ears. It only spurs her on more...

She has to hold back a laugh when she feels his svelte hips trying their hardest to buck into her embrace, not willing to leave it when she pulls back to his tip. It was surprising how much energy he had left! Those jokes about rabbits and breeding were on the mark, it seems...
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 10:54 am

His little body shudders, writhing and squirming in her undulating cocoon, filling his entire body with pure bliss as this unending pleasure tortures his poor penis.

He can feel the next orgasm building... Growing stronger as her lips and tongue hungrily attack him. It's getting closer... A strong orgasm ready and waiting to fire out between her plump lips..!

And then everything goes back.

Absolutely overstimulated, Dustin once more goes limp in her hold, completely losing consciousness as she takes care of his raging cock. Completely dominated by her lips and her cushioned body, Dustin didn't even get to stay awake for his third volley of sticky bunny ropes to fill the serpent's maw~
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyThu May 05, 2022 11:23 am

Encre's eyes widen--her mouth goes from empty (save for the twitching member inside it) to covered in a splash of thick, creamy jizz. Realizing, she lifts her tongue to stop the firing ropes from spurting deep into her throat. After all, she wants to savor this more than anything else...

She delights in the flavor and texture of her prey's seed, suckling his shaft and pulling away such that each and every last bit was extracted from him, and swishing it around her mouth to get a fuller, richer taste. It was mostly bitter and salty, like usual, but there was also a hint of a sweet aftertaste. Was it him, or just the aphrodisiac mist?

Either way, she could feel Dustin's cock start to wilt for the first time in this ridiculous sexual romp. His faint snores tickled her scales; she quickly understood then why she didn't hear a muffled howl from what had to be the most stimulating orgasm he had tonight. Unwrapping her lower end from his face and neck, she smirked, both happy and smug at how thoroughly she had just squeezed him.

As she looked upon his sleeping face, she decided a nap would be quite nice for her too; she rests her head against his, hugs him a bit tighter, and goes to sleep with her bunny boytoy wrapped up in her coils, enjoying his fluffy warmth against her smooth, furless skin...
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyFri May 06, 2022 4:11 am


Adoring Warmth.

That is what Dustin wakes up to, groggy and sore as he finally regains consciousness. Pained grunts and groans leave his lips as his body recalls the kind of day he had. He scrunches up his forehead and brings a paw up to his face to nurse a headache, only...

He can't move his arms.

Panic shoots through his body as he starts to squirm and writhe, finding himself in a very similar situation to when he originally passed out. He ceases his struggles and stifles his breathing when he remembers what was keeping him from moving, and he opts to simply and slowly siiink back into her coils.

He knew he had to get out of there, but he's in no position to make an escape attempt...
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyFri May 06, 2022 6:52 am


Encre, though still asleep, the serpent feels that squirming against her--and all it serves to do is make her body slither and wrap around Dustin a little bit tighter, feeling more like an affirming hug than the bind it is. Her head nuzzles into his. Now, her snout is placed at just the right angle to blow hot breaths into the bunny boy's ears...
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Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyFri May 06, 2022 8:13 am

His loooong ears fold back behind his head as those lips and snout lovingly press against the side of his noggin. His face instantly heats up, Dustin nibbling his lower lip to stop himself from making any more noise...
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Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyFri May 06, 2022 9:23 am

It stays like this for a few painfully arousing minutes. The poor bunny boy has to deal with the breaths buffeting his long and sensitive ears, memories of last night slowly trickling into his brain as he grows more alert from all this unconscious affection he's getting. And the more he remembers, the more titillating Encre's breathing becomes. He can't keep his mind off those soft, plump lips, just inches away from his ears. If she bent forward just the slightest bit more, she could nibble on them, like she did when...


"Hmmm," Encre murmurs, "What is that...?"

Her eyes flutter awake in spite of everything Dustin did to prevent it. Unfortunately for him, there was one part of his body he couldn't control: his dick. Some way, some how, even after three consecutive milkings of his semen, he found himself getting hard again. With every waking second of what she did to him last night flashing before his eyes, how could he stop himself? It just wasn't possible...

So in the end, he couldn't really be mad with himself when the seductive serpent turned her eyes to him, a spark of understanding in them as she stares at last night's 'meal'.

She flashes him a knowing grin. "Oh! Hello there, bunny boy...~"
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Posts : 125
Join date : 2022-04-29
Age : 28
Location : Wrapped tight and snuggled up in a snake's adoring coils~

Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa   Dustin vs. Beguiling Boa - Page 2 EmptyFri May 06, 2022 1:08 pm

Swallowing hard, Dustin shrinks back against her coils. His cock presses firmly against her soft underbelly as his gaze flits between her rosy eyes and lavender lips. His mind races, remembering all of the otherworldly pleasures she gave him as she looks him over with that seductive grin.

"A-ah..! Good, uh, good morning..!" Dustin smiles sheepishly up to her, doing his best to act like nothing's wrong.

He's quite bad at it.
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